<== Chapter 5 -- Chapter 7 ==>

Chapter 6 - JNI C/C++ Interface

We now need to create an interface layer that will take our native function() Java code and forward it to our native C/C++ implementation of the function. JNI Interface Code

  • The first thing we want to do is add #include <jni.h> to get access to the JNI class
  • To ensure that the names declared in that portion of code have C linkage, and thus C++ name mangling is not performed we add these macro to surround the class
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

.... // our code

#ifdef __cplusplus
  • We are going to make a class next chapter so now is a good time to just declare the new C++ class at the top
#include "Tango_NDK_Tutorial.h"

static Tango_NDK_Tutorial app;
  • Here we add a function call for each of the JNI native calls such as
        JNIEnv* env, jobject /*obj*/, jobject caller_activity) {
    app.OnCreate(env, caller_activity);
  • The format of these function calls that bring from Java to the native level follows a strict naming convention
  • Always start your function with the return type of JNIEXPORT < Return_Type > JNICALL
  • The name of function is made up of 3 different parts
    1. Package_Name
    2. Java_Class_Name
    3. Function_Name
  • We concat them with underscores into the function name
    • Example for the onCreate call: Java_com_demo_tutorial_tango_tango_1ndk_1tutorial_MainActivity_onCreate
    • Package_Name => com.demo.tutorial.tango.tango_ndk_tutorial
      • NOTE: Since the package name has underscores in it you need to replace it with _1 as seen in this example
    • Java_Class_Name => MainActivity
    • Function_Name => onCreate
  • Every
    • JNIEnv* - Pointer to a structure storing all JNI function pointers. Provides most of the JNI functions. Your native functions all receive a JNIEnv as the first argument.
      • The JNIEnv is used for thread-local storage. For this reason, you cannot share a JNIEnv between threads.
    • jobject - This is a reference to an object of type MainActivity, almost like a this of the Java Activity class instance
  • We also call the app class we declared as a type of our future C++ class and run its internal OnCreate method we will make soon.
    • Notice we try to help distinguish the Java and C++ functions by making the Java calls lowerCamelCase and the C++ UpperCamelCase as our naming convention
      • Java -> onCreate
      • C++ -> OnCreate
  • For the Java_com_demo_tutorial_tango_tango_1ndk_1tutorial_TangoJniNative_valueFromJNI function we add a third parameter which is the Java int argument we sent the value 5. Here we take that value, add 1, and return it as a jint type

<== Chapter 5 -- Chapter 7 ==>