Contribution Guidelines

we honestly at this time are open to anything. If you see something wrong, make an issue or a pull request! If you see we are missing something, make an issue or a pull request! If there is a period missing...heck, make an issue or a pull request!

A guide like this takes someone to spend the initial hours to setup and time to maintain, but the contributions of others are where things become powerful!

2 Rules

  1. Changes/Additions must either match or maintain some level of orderly markdown styling
  2. Never I only we when writing additions or changes.

How to contribute from

  • Make sure you have a free account and you are logged in.
  • Find an appropriate topic category in the file to add it under, or add your own if you think it is needed.
  • Click the :pencil: button Edit link on the top right-hand corner of the This will do two things:
  • Fork the repository to your account.
  • Create a new branch so you can send your changes in a pull request.
  • Add your changes.
  • Scroll down to the Propose file change box and write a commit message and optional extended description.
  • Click the Propose file change button.

NOTE: this works the same for any of the files