<== Chapter 2 -- Chapter 4 ==>

Chapter 3 - Coordinate System

Good way to follow the graphic lesson is talking about the coordinate systems

So there is a good chance you are smarter than me and this doesn't relate to you, but the coordinate system explain in the Google Tango Guide didn't inherently make sense to me on first read. We are gonna try to clear up confusion to anyone who also was confused.

Right hand vs Left hand rule

  • This is a very basic principle in matrix algebra, but needs to understood quick before moving on. The idea is if I have a coordinate system such that.
   ------------> Y              ------------> Y
   |                            |
   |                            |      __ 
   |                            |       /|
   |                            |      /
   |                            |     /  
   V                            V    /

   X                            X

and I move towards Y from X does Z go INTO the screen away from you or out of the screen towards you.

  • If it is INTO the screen this is the Left-Hand rule.

  • If it is OUT of the screen this is the Right-Hand rule.

Here is a Google image search showing the hand position to why it go its name.

Right Hand Rule

<== Chapter 2 -- Chapter 4 ==>